How to Start a Auto Prophets Angel!

Below is an example of how to start your Angel!

Step 1. Add your API Key

1. When logged into your Auto Prophets account, you will see in the Navigation at the top of the screen a link called "API Keys". Click on this to see the screen where you will enter your API Keys.

2. Click on "Add New API Key" to see the screen below where you can enter a Nick Name, the API Key and Secret as supplied by your Exchange account.

3. Click on "Add New API Key" and the website will now check your API Key and add to the Software ready for you to use and start an Angel.

More instructions on Adding API Keys are here for each supported exchange

Step 2. Choose Type of Artificial Intelligence to use

1. You will see on the left side area a button that says "Start New Angel". Click on this to see the screen where you will see you can now begin choosing the Artificial Intelligence for your Automated Trading.

2. You will see Yin Yang which is our latest AI that we have developed. You can see on the Hall of Angels the past performance for Yin Yang and see which settings are performing well and see if you want to use them.

3. Click on Yin Yang to proceed.

Step 1. Choose Exchange and API Key to use

1. You should see the option to now choose an Exchange and API Key for that Exchange that you have already added.

2. Simply select the Exchange and then the API Key to proceed.

Step 2. Choose Markets for Yin Yang

1. You will see a drop down box that lets you select which markets you will choose for Yin Yang to trade automatically for you.
Choose which option suits you to proceed. You can also see the Hall of Angels and see what is performing well!

Please note that you will need a minimum Balance amount per market in order for the Exchange to accept orders above their minimum order value amount. A minimum of two markets must be chosen to Start a Yin Yang Angel.

Step 3. Enter Balance to Use for trading

1. You will now see an area where you can choose to enter the amount of Balance you want Yin Yang to trade automatically with. The minimum amount of $7 each market is required to cover the exchange minimum order value. Simply enter an amount of $7 or higher per market that you want to use to proceed.

2. Please note in the example screenshot below, there is 6 markets selected to trade which is 6 times $7 order value minimum which equals a minimum balance to use of $42.

3. Enter the amount you wish to use and ensure this amount is equal or less than where you see "Available USDT" which is showing you how much USDT at the exchange is available for you to use and takes into account any additional Angels you may have running at the same time.

Step 4. Choose Global Trailing settings

1. When starting a Yin Yang, you must choose what is your Stop Loss amount and use this for the Global Trailing. For example, if you wish to stop your Yin Yang from trading when it has a loss of -25% then you can do this by entering -25% and choose your Angel to either Pause or Stop. Anytime a Globall Trailing was triggered, then you will be sent an email with details of this so you know it has happened. In this way, the Global Trailing acts as a Stop Loss and converts all your Assets back to USDT.

2. The Global Trailing works in two ways, the other way acts as a Global Take Profit. For example, if your Yin Yang, highest percentage amount was 67% and you had 25% as your Global Trailing, then if Yin Yang's percentage dropped below 67-25 = 42%, then the Global Trailing would be triggered and your Angel will Stop/Pause according to your settings and converts all your Assets back to USDT.

a) Choose the percentage amount you want to have your Angel apply a handbrake convert to USDT at.
b) Choose whether to Stop or Pause your Angel.
c) Click on Continue.

Step 5. Display Angel in Hall of Angels

1. Now you will see an area to choose whether or not you would like your Angel to appear in the Hall of Angels and show anonymous % performance only. You can choose an Angel Name and this will be used for display on your Dashboard as well as Hall of Angels if you chose to display your Angel.

Step 6. Confirm chosen settings

1. Now you will see an overview of the settings that your Angel will use. Please read over this and confirm them. If you need to change anything, then click on the "Change settings" button. Otherwise proceed down the page to read and agree to the terms and conditions to Start an Angel.

Step 7. Agree to Terms of Use and Start an Angel

1. Read over the required Terms of Use for starting an Angel and tick the box once you have fully understood what it means.

2. Once you have agreed to the required Terms, then click on Start Angel.

Step 8. Angel has started and Working

1. You will now see on the screen a notification window letting you know your Angel has started and an Angel ID.

Step 9. Angel has Active Algorithmic Calculations

1. Your Angel will be working 24 hours a day 365 days a year using your Settings, your Angel will start to track the Markets you have chosen and begin to trade in and out of these markets for you. Below is an example of an active Angel after 2 minutes where it has chosen to move into 3 of the Markets chosen and wait for the others. The Yin Yang Strategy uses the Sortino Ratio to determine the market allocation % and whether your Angel will trade in the market at this time. The Sortino Ratio is used to measure the Market's losses and attempts to avoid markets with losses and trade only in markets that show little losses compared to the other markets you have chosen.

Step 10. Angel can be Paused to convert back to USDT temporarily

1. You can click on the "Pause" button on the Angel Dashboard and your Angel will be set to Paused and convert any Assets in Markets back to USDT. This can take up to 2 minutes to complete.

2. When the Angel is Paused, you can click on the "Start" button on the Angel Dashboard and your Angel will begin Working again and calculate the Markets you have in your Settings.

Step 11. Angel Asset Details

1. On your Dashboard you can can see the Assets listed with the % for Allocation by the Sortino Ration and see the Qty of the Asset and $Value. Also additionally a pie graph is shown to give a visual representation of the allocations calculated by the Sortino Ratio.

Step 12. Change Angel Settings

1. You can edit any Angel Settings any time you want and make changes as you need to. On your Dashboard you can click on the tab called "Settings" and then you will be able to change any of the Angel Settings you entered when starting your Angel. The first thing you can see is the area where you edit the Balance Settings.

2. You can increase the Balance your Angel is using with this area here. You cannot decrease the Amount your Angel is using. If you wish to decrease the amount your Angel is trading with, then use the "Stop Angel" instructions below. You can see the "Available USDT" for your account at the exchange that also takes into account for the current angel and any additional Angels working on the same exchange account. You can increase the amount for your Angel by increasing the value to be what amount you want it to be.

3. In the example screenshot below, you can see there is $91 set to use currently, and there is $374 as Available USDT. This means I can increase the Balance my Angel is using up to a maximum of 91 + 374 = 465.

4. Once I have entered the value I can then click on "Save Ballance Settings" and this will save the new Balance amount I just entered.

2. The second area is where you change your Global Trailing Settings that you can edit anytime.

3. You can keep scrolling down the Settings area and edit whether or not to Display your Angel in the Hall of Angels and what name you want your Angel to have.

4. You can keep use the links at the bottom of the Settings area to use the Auto Prophets Telegram Bot which can send you Automatic Reports every X hours that you set it. Just use the link or send an email to yourself with the link to get the Telegram Bot started and follow the directions on Telegram.

Step 13. Angel can be Stopped anytime

1. You can click on the "Stop" button on the Angel Dashboard and your Angel will set your Angel to Stop. This can take up to 2 minutes to complete as your Angel goes through all the Assets and converts them back to USDT.

2. Once your Angel has fully completed the "Stopping" process by converting what it can back to USDT, you will then see your Angel is now set to "Finished" on the Dashboard and your final Profit/Loss is displayed.

3. Please note, after your Angel has Finished, you may find small amounts of the Assets sitting in your Account. This is due to the minimum order Quantity and Value that is required by the exchange. In the case where the Asset value is less than the required amount (usually $5) then you will see the amount. As well as the Quantity Amount sold when converting back to USDT can be rounded and leave small decimal amounts worth $0.02 or so. This is to be expected and you can use the Exchange "Convert" feature to remove these small amounts that do not meet their minimum quantity and value.

Step 14. Start a New Angel again!

1. Now you have Started and Stopped an Angel, you can when ever you want, start a New Angel with new settings as you want your Automated Trading to be done for you.