Auto Prophets Login

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As of 28th of April 2022, is now operated by Auto Prophets Ltd.
I Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the User Agreement
Your KoinWatch Account has Commissions owing. Please read over and agree to the following
1. Auto Prophets Ltd is making payment of commissions owed on behalf of KoinWatch Pty Ltd (Australia) and is not not obligated, responsible or have any liability for the commissions owed.
At all times until final payment, liability remains with KoinWatch Pty Ltd (Australia).
2. I understand that should I need to recover any commisisions on my KoinWatch Account that are owed, in part or whole, by KoinWatch Pty Ltd (Australia), I will hold KoinWatch Pty Ltd (Australia) wholely and soley responsible for these owed commissions.
3. I understand that Auto Prophets Ltd will make payments for any owed commissions amount until final and full amount is paid to you and will be paid monthly over the next 12 months or earlier.

I Agree to the following Terms for the purpose of Auto Prophets Ltd accepting my Account and being paid by Auto Prophets Ltd for commissions owed to my KoinWatch Account by KoinWatch Pty Ltd (Australia).

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